What is personality?
Personality refers to the enduring traits and behaviors that make up a person’s unique adaptation to life, including major traits, interests, drives, values, self-concepts, abilities, and emotional patterns. Different theories explain the structure and development of personality in various ways, but all agree that describing our personality provides a certain pattern for our behavior in daily life.
Five-Factor Model of Personality OCEAN
Openness to experience
(from English, Openness to experience) – which refers to the willingness to maintain a distance from novelty and experiences or openness to new sensations and experiences
(from English, Conscientiousness) – which refers to the desire to be dutiful or to place greater importance on spontaneity
(from English Extraversion) – which refers to the need to be with people, or the need for distance and reserve from the social world
(from English Agreeableness) – which refers to relationships with people and the desire to maintain distance or closeness to others.
(from English Neuroticism) – which refers to emotional resilience, or sensitivity to difficulties in various situations