Team Management in Remote Work Realities.
Training for managers developing team management in the realities of remote and hybrid work. Discover ways to increase the efficiency of your team’s online work.
Interactive managerial training for anyone who wants to increase the efficiency of their team’s online work. Learn how to effectively plan remote work for yourself and your team, develop action schemes in the context of remote work with our support, and discover proven tools that will help you navigate the new reality.
What will you gain?
Gaining knowledge about work organization, task execution, and motivation in the context of remote work.
Analyzing the team’s situation and developing an action plan to maintain high productivity levels in remote work.
Developing action schemes for oneself and the team.
Learning practical tools that will support daily work in the realities of online functioning.
An action plan for the upcoming week that will allow testing of newly learned tools.
Sample workshop program for team management in the realities of remote work
Module 1: Manager’s strategy in a crisis situation – what to pay attention to for the team to work effectively?
- Lencioni Model (effective teamwork) -> problems generated by the current reality
- System solutions and solutions from the level of people (emotions)
Module 2: Remote work efficiency based on the levels of the Lencioni model
- System actions at each level of the model
- Actions from the level of people at each level of the model
- Assumptions and tools of Management 3.0 in the context of remote work efficiency
Module 3: Emotional comfort in the team during difficult/crisis situations
- How to monitor the emotional level in the team?
- Coaching conversation model as a tool for changing/preparing communication and conducting conversations with employees
- Team communication – presentations – that increase the sense of comfort and security
Module 4: Task execution in the context of remote work
- Kanban board as a starting point for understanding the idea of task flow / working with the Kanban board
- GTD assumptions in the context of productivity
- Applications and programs for task management – automation of remote work organization (task management)
Module 5: Effective Online Meetings – Methods and Tools
- Planning, Preparation, and Technical Issues
- Ways to Engage Participants in Discussions, Presentations, and Expressing Opinions
- Adapting Methods and Tools for Moderating Discussions to Meeting Goals: Decision Making, Problem Solving,
- Conducting Discussions
Module 6: Effective Written Communication – Chat Conversations and Emails
- 7C Model of Effective Written Communication
- Analysis: Current State vs Desired State
- Three Key Principles of Written Communication – Knowledge Development in the Team
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